/* Plugin Name: jQuery Animation Scroll Plugin Author: Jason Lusk URI: JasonLusk.com Example:


*/ (function($, window, document) { 'use strict'; var $window = $(window), attachEvent = document.attachEvent, //init scroll-event only once for better performance -> save target-data first in arrays animateScroll = { throttles: {}, animations: [], bind: function(el, options) { $(el).on('reverse play', function(evt) { if(evt.type == 'play' && !options.reverse){ return true; } // animate target object based on viewport check event var $this = $(this), $timeline = $this.data('tween'), action; if (!!$timeline && evt.type != action) { if (!options.animateAll && evt.type == 'play') { $timeline.progress(1, true); } $timeline[evt.type](); action = evt.type; } }); if (!!animateScroll.throttles.watch) { $window.find('body').andSelf().on('scroll resize orientationchange touchend gestureend check', function(e) { // trigger viewport animation check animateScroll.throttles.scroll = (animateScroll.throttles.scroll == null) && setTimeout(function() { animateScroll.inview(e.type == 'resize' || e.type == 'orientationchange'); animateScroll.throttles.scroll = null; }, 101); }); } animateScroll.throttles.watch = el; }, check: function(target) { // is stored original element position centered within the viewport var tObj = $(target), vTop = $window.scrollTop(), vBottom = vTop + $window.height(), elTop = tObj.data('originalOffset').top, elBottom = elTop + parseInt(tObj.data('originalSize').height); animateScroll.throttles.transition = null; return (vTop < elBottom && elBottom < vBottom) || (vTop < elTop && elTop < vBottom) ? 'reverse' : 'play'; }, update: function($this, $timeline) { var newOffset = $this.offset(), oldOffset = $this.data('originalOffset') || { top: 0 }; if (newOffset.top != oldOffset.top) { // update saved offset and size $this.data({ 'originalOffset': newOffset, 'originalSize': { width: $this.width(), height: $this.height() } }); } }, inview: function(resize) { animateScroll.animations.each(function() { var $this = $(this), $timeline = $this.data('tween'); // update trigger position if (!!resize) { setTimeout(function() { animateScroll.update($this, $timeline); // trigger animation event $this .trigger(animateScroll.check($this)); }, 250); } else { // trigger animation event $this .trigger(animateScroll.check($this)); } }); }, init: function(animations, options) { // add resize event to body addResizeListener($('body')[0], function() { $('body').trigger('resize'); }); // function to initialize plugin and pass custom variables from html5 data attributes animations.each(function() { var $el = $(this); $el .animateScroll($.extend({}, options, $el.data('animate-scroll'))); }) .promise() .done(function() { animateScroll.inview(); }); }, setup: function($this, $parent, options) { // setup parent element perspective TweenMax.set($parent, { transformPerspective: options.transformPerspective, onComplete: function() { $parent .css({ 'perspective': options.transformPerspective }); } }); $this .addClass('animateScroll') .css({ "-webkit-transform": "translate3D(0,0,1px)" }); $this .data({ 'originalOffset': $this.offset(), 'originalSize': { width: $this.width(), height: $this.height() }, 'tween': new TimelineMax({ paused: true, onComplete: function() { animateScroll.update($this, this); } }) .to($this, options.duration, { transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', transformOrigin: options.transformOrigin, x: options.x, y: options.y, scaleX: options.scaleX, scaleY: options.scaleY, rotation: options.rotation, rotationX: options.rotationX, rotationY: options.rotationY, autoAlpha: options.alpha, delay: options.delay, z: options.z, force3D: options.force3D, ease: options.easingType }).progress(1, false) }) .promise() .done(function() { animateScroll .bind($this, options); }); } }; $.fn.animateScroll = function(opts) { //set up default options var defaults = { transformPerspective: 1000, // Parent Transform Perspective lazyLoad: false, // Lazy Load Images (experimental) animateAll: false, // Animate elements outside of viewport? reverse: true, // Allow elements reverse animation state? transformOrigin: '50% 50%', // Transform Origin X/Y Position x: 0, // Horizontal offset in px y: 0, // Vertical offset in px scaleX: 1, // Scale X position scaleY: 1, // Scale Y position rotation: 0, // Rotation in degrees rotationX: 0, // Rotation X position rotationY: 0, // Rotation X position alpha: 0.9, // Opacity from 0.0-1 delay: 0, // Animation Delay z: 0.1, // Z position force3D: true, // Force 3D Hardware easingType: 'Back.easeInOut', // Animation easing Type duration: 0.3 // Animation diration in seconds }; //vars var options = $.extend({}, defaults, opts); if (this[0] != document) { this.each(function(index) { options = $.extend({}, defaults, opts); var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parent(); if (options.lazyLoad && $this.is('img')) { $this.on('load', function() { animateScroll .setup($this, $parent, options); }); } else { animateScroll .setup($this, $parent, options); } }); } else { animateScroll .animations = $('[data-animate-scroll]'); animateScroll .init(animateScroll.animations, options); } } // element resize listener [add|remove]ResizeListener(resizeElement, resizeCallback); // based on https://github.com/sdecima/javascript-detect-element-resize if (!attachEvent) { var createStyles = function() { if (!!createStyles) { var n = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], r = document.createElement("style"), css = '.r-t {\ visibility: hidden;\ }\ .r-t, .r-t > div, .c-t:before {\ content: " ";\ display: block;\ position: absolute;\ top: 0;\ left: 0;\ height: 100%;\ width: 100%;\ overflow: hidden\ }\ .r-t > div {\ background: #eee;\ overflow: auto\ }\ .c-t:before {\ width: 200%;\ height: 200%\ }'; r.type = "text/css"; if (r.styleSheet) { r.styleSheet.cssText = css } else { r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)) } n.appendChild(r) return r.sheet || false; } else { return false; } }, requestFrame = function() { return function(t) { return window.requestAnimationFrame(t) } }(), cancelFrame = function() { return function(t) { return window.cancelAnimationFrame(t) } }(), resetTriggers = function(e) { var t = e.__rt__, n = t.firstElementChild, r = t.lastElementChild, i = n.firstElementChild; r.scrollLeft = r.scrollWidth; r.scrollTop = r.scrollHeight; i.style.width = n.offsetWidth + 1 + "px"; i.style.height = n.offsetHeight + 1 + "px"; n.scrollLeft = n.scrollWidth; n.scrollTop = n.scrollHeight }, checkTriggers = function(e) { return e.offsetWidth != e.__rl__.width || e.offsetHeight != e.__rl__.height }, scrollListener = function(e) { var t = this; resetTriggers(this); if (this.__rRAF__) cancelFrame(this.__rRAF__); this.__rRAF__ = requestFrame(function() { if (checkTriggers(t)) { t.__rl__.width = t.offsetWidth; t.__rl__.height = t.offsetHeight; t.__rl__.forEach(function(n) { n.call(t, e) }) } }) }, rafPolyFill = function() { var _af = 'AnimationFrame', _req = 'Request', _raf = 'request' + _af, _can = 'Cancel', _caf = 'cancel' + _af, expire = 0, vendors = ['moz', 'ms', 'o', 'webkit'], pre; while (!window[_raf] && (pre = vendors.pop())) { window[_raf] = window[pre + _req + _af]; window[_caf] = window[pre + _can + _af] || window[pre + _can + _req + _af]; } if (!window[_raf]) { window[_raf] = function(callback) { var current = +new Date, adjusted = 16 - (current - expire), delay = adjusted > 0 ? adjusted : 0; expire = current + delay; return setTimeout(function() { callback(expire); }, delay); }; window[_caf] = clearTimeout; } } } window.addResizeListener = function(t, n) { if (attachEvent) t.attachEvent("onresize", n); else { if (!t.__rt__) { if (getComputedStyle(t).position == "static") t.style.position = "relative"; rafPolyFill(); createStyles(); t.__rl__ = {}; t.__rl__ = []; (t.__rt__ = document.createElement("div")).className = "r-t"; t.__rt__.innerHTML = '
' + '
'; t.appendChild(t.__rt__); resetTriggers(t); t.addEventListener("scroll", scrollListener, true) } t.__rl__.push(n) } }; window.removeResizeListener = function(t, n) { if (attachEvent) t.detachEvent("onresize", n); else { t.__rl__.splice(t.__rl__.indexOf(n), 1); if (!t.__rl__.length) { t.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollListener); t.__rt__ = !t.removeChild(t.__rt__) } } } })(jQuery, window, document);