/* * MovingBoxes demo script */ $(function(){ $('#slider-one').movingBoxes({ startPanel : 1, // start with this panel reducedSize : 0.8, // non-current panel size: 80% of panel size wrap : true, // if true, the panel will "wrap" (it really rewinds/fast forwards) at the ends buildNav : true, // if true, navigation links will be added navFormatter : function(){ return "●"; } // function which returns the navigation text for each panel // width and panelWidth options removed in v2.2.2, but still backwards compatible // width : 300, // overall width of movingBoxes (not including navigation arrows) // panelWidth : 0.5, // current panel width }); $('#slider-two').movingBoxes({ startPanel : 3, // start with this panel reducedSize : 0.8, // non-current panel size: 80% of panel size buildNav : true, // if true, navigation links will be added navFormatter : function(index, panel){ return panel.find('h2 span').text(); } // function which gets nav text from span inside the panel header // width and panelWidth options removed in v2.2.2, but still backwards compatible // width : 500, // overall width of movingBoxes (not including navigation arrows) // panelWidth : 0.7, // current panel width }); // Add a slide var imageNumber = 0, panel = '
  • picture

    News Heading #*2

    A very short exerpt goes here... more

  • ', // to test adding/removing panels to the second slider, comment out the line above and uncomment out the line below - slider-two uses divs instead of UL & LIs // panel = '

    News Heading #*2

    A very short exerpt goes here... more

    ', slider = $('#slider-one'), // $('#slider-two'); // second slider api = slider.data('movingBoxes'), // Set up demo external navigation links navLinks = function(){ var i, t = '', len = api.totalPanels + 1; for ( i = 1; i < len; i++ ) { t += '' + i + ' '; } $('.dlinks').find('span').html(t); }; $('button.add').click(function(){ imageNumber = api.totalPanels + 1; slider .append( panel.replace(/\*2/g, imageNumber).replace(/\*1/g, (imageNumber%7 + 1)) ) .movingBoxes(); // update movingBoxes navLinks(); // update go to panel links }); // Remove a slide $('button.remove').click(function(){ var c = api.curPanel, t = api.totalPanels; if (t > 0) { slider.find('.mb-panel:not(.cloned):last').remove(); if (c > t - 1) { c = t - 1; } slider.movingBoxes(); // update movingBoxes } navLinks(); }); navLinks(); // Examples of how to move the panel from outside the plugin. // get (all 3 examples do exactly the same thing): // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').data('movingBoxes').currentPanel(); // returns # of currently selected/enlarged panel // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').data('movingBoxes').curPanel; // get the current panel number directly // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').getMovingBoxes().curPanel; // use internal function to return the object (essentially the same as the line above) // set (all 4 examples do exactly the same thing): // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').data('movingBoxes').currentPanel(2, function(){ alert('done!'); }); // returns and scrolls to 2nd panel // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').getMovingBoxes().currentPanel(2, function(){ alert('done!'); }); // just like the line above // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').movingBoxes(2, function(){ alert('done!'); }); // scrolls to 2nd panel, runs callback & returns 2. // var currentPanel = $('#slider-one').getMovingBoxes().change(2, function(){ alert('done!'); }); // internal change function is the main function $('.dlinks').delegate('a', 'click', function(){ // slider # stored in the text slider.movingBoxes( $(this).text() ); return false; }); // Report events to console $('.mb-slider').bind('initialized.movingBoxes initChange.movingBoxes beforeAnimation.movingBoxes completed.movingBoxes',function(e, slider, tar){ // show object ID + event in the console // namespaced events: e.g. e.type = "completed", e.namespace = "movingBoxes" if (window.console && window.console.log){ var txt = slider.$el[0].id + ': ' + e.type + ', now on panel #' + slider.curPanel + ', targeted panel is ' + tar; console.log( txt ); } }); });